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The 3rd Wave

Living in Patterns


So far in our exploration, we have discovered that our establishment has captured control of our media and our governments via corporate bureaucracies, and that our religious and other institutions share in this arrangement via their control over religious and moral thought.  Together, these institutions of the Industrial society lull the masses into complacency with the illusion they present.

So how do we break through this illusion to a better world?

When all is said and done, the only thing we have any control over is ourselves.  So even though the problems summarized on this site seem numerous and overwhelming, it is only our individual actions that will change things. And while this is a simple approach, the actual path can be quite traumatic.  It is summarized in the diagram below ...

The path to a new consciousness involves two major steps.  First, we must recognize the many ways that "patterns" guide our behaviors and actions.  As we explore our patterned responses, we often realize that our patterns do not serve us, or they are based on faulty assumptions.  As we work through these patterns one by one, we come to realize the one true authority for our actions is our conscious -- our "inner-voice."  

This is a state known as "inner-directed."

After we achieve inner-direction, we can no longer be controlled by others without our permission.  But once we overcome the patterns that guide us, we soon find a void as to who we are and what we are here to do.  This leads us to the next major change in human consciousness, as we come to know our purpose.   The final step on our path to a better world, then, is to structure our lives so that we are "aligned with purpose."  

To learn more about this process, please begin with Living in Patterns.



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