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The 3rd Wave


As our historical summary has shown, Religions have often empowered the powerless by giving them a new way of relating to their reality.  And once they formed, they were often organized as self-perpetuating hierarchies supported by a strict control over information.  

Today, Religion remains a source of control over the masses -- it keeps people fighting over their differences, instead of working together in support of their common beliefs:

What are the common beliefs shared by the world religions?  

that we are more than just a physical body in a physical world. We also exist in the spiritual realm.  
that we can access this spiritual realm through prayer, chanting, meditation and other practices (but it is not easy to accomplish).
that our connection to the infinite comes from the little voice within (but we must listen very carefully to hear it.)
that when someone experiences the infinite, they achieve a different consciousness, one of unlimited love and unlimited knowing.

While these truths are present in virtually all religions, they are often reserved for the church elders -- and withheld from the masses.  Now, thanks to the Internet, these truths are available to all.  And this is our path forward ...

"Inner-directed" vs. "Outer-directed"

Someone who is outer directed, lives their life from unquestioned patterns they learned earlier in their life (from others or through the "system"). As they move to inner directed, they unwind the patterns driving their behavior.  A person with no patterns remaining is totally conscious (a "clear" in Scientology, enlightened in eastern religions, one with the Holy Spirit in Christianity, etc.).  

So, what drives a person with *no* patterns remaining? The answer to that question is who you really are, and what you are here to do (often a deeply spiritual realization).  

To learn more about our path forward, please see People.



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