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The 1st Wave
World Religions
The 2nd Wave

The 1st Wave

The Agricultural Revolution

Somewhere around 10,000 years ago, the first major change in our consciousness occurred.  That's when we learned how to farm the land, to shepherd animals, and to live together in permanent settlements.  It is also when the concept of private property came to exist, as we built walls to keep others out. 

As the population grew, the tribes soon found themselves competing for land, food and water. While some tribes found peaceful solutions to the scarcity, others resorted to open warfare and predatory practices.  When peaceful solutions were achieved, the respective tribes often retained their unique culture. When one tribe defeated another, however, it was often the winning tribe whose culture remained.

Over time, this resulted in a world of fewer and fewer large tribes, composed of more and more conquered ones. Along the way, the leaders of conquering tribes became the rulers of the new kingdoms, while the people in the conquered ones became the slaves and the subjects. This is how classes came to exist within societies.

Once in power, the ruling class became fearful of change and of losing control over their property (eg. land, food, water, slaves, etc.). To retain their privileged position, they learned how to use fear, force, intimidation, and all manner of deceit and deception. It was in this way that politics came to exist within governments.

The result of these processes were great kingdoms and great civilizations, each with their own version of kings, pharaohs and high priests. And each with their own version of gods, philosophies, ruling classes, commoners, and slaves.

Then came the World Religions.



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